
Hey there, I'm Oded 👋

I'll fill out one day more projects or insights into this portfolio, for now, here are few applications from my past.

In 2021, I had a defining moment with LandPro, as it led me to embrace programming as a career path. Unfortunately it didn't take off, but it was a great ride. Also, the server is no longer running, so the demo part work only partially, sorry about that.


The website was constructed with Next.js, Ant Design, and Leaflet for map visualization and editing. The backend was developed using Python and Django, leveraging PostgreSQL as the database, alongside TensorFlow and Pandas for machine learning functionality. Originally deployed on Digital Ocean, the landing page is currently hosted on Vercel.

GeoChat is a location-based chat application that allows users to chat with others in their vicinity. It was a fun project to work on, and I learned a lot about websockets and geolocation. The server is no longer online as well, sorry.


The website was constructed with Next.js, Ionic, RxJS and for the chat functionality. The backend was developed using Nest.js, leveraging PostgreSQL as the database. The server was originally deployed on Digital Ocean and the website is hosted on Vercel.

Solr is a neat little guide of our solar system. It's got this gallery showing the sun and all the planets, and a 3D model showing how the planets revolve around the sun with the ability to adjust the size of the sun and the planets to grasp the sheer size of the solar system.


A Full Stack PWA constructed with Next.js,, Three.js for the 3D model, and an internal GraphQL API for the data. The website is hosted on Vercel.

Dialektli is a fun project I'm working on to learn more about the different dialects in Switzerland. It's a platform where people can share their favorite dialect words and phrases, and learn about the different dialects in Switzerland. It's still a work in progress, but I'm excited to see where it goes.


A Full Stack website constructed with Next.js, and an internal GraphQL API for the data. The database is deployed on Digital Ocean and the website is hosted on Vercel.

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